
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fresh Peach Pie

I have to confess, I have never made or eaten a peach pie before this weekend. In fact other than my husband and my dad our whole family had their 1st peach pie experience together. We got 7 peaches in our last fresh box so I figured it would be the perfect way to use all of them at the same time before they spoiled. I obviously didn't know what I was missing because it was a great summer dessert. The peaches were sweet, and the crust was flaky and buttery. We served it warm with a little bit of vanilla ice cream and that really knocked it up notch. Another confession....I cheated and used pre-made pie crust, it seems now that I'm a mom I have to take some short cuts since my time in the kitchen is not the same, but Owen is worth every minute.

About 7 ripe peaches - Pitted and Cut into slices
Box of ready made pie dough - 2 Rounds
1 Tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice (About 1 lemon)
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp Nutmeg
1/4 Tsp Salt
4 Tbsp  Minute Tapioca - Ground or Pulverized

Adapted from:

Start by preheating the oven to 425 F. Take out your pre-made pie dough and a 9in pyrex pie dish. Wash and slice all of your peaches, discarding the pits. Squeeze the lemon juice over the peaches and toss to coat.
In a small bowl combine the sugar, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and ground up tapioca. Whisk everything together. Once it is all mixed pour it over the bowl of the peaches. Using your hands toss the peaches so that they are all covered in the sugar mix. Roll out the 1st pre-made pie dough round and place it in the bottom of the dish, pushing the edges into the pan and cutting the excess off of the top edge. 
When you feel the sugar is evenly distributed and slightly soaked in pour the peaches into the bottom pie dish and give it a good shake so they all lay flat. Unroll the 2nd pre-made pie dough round and lay it on top of the peaches. Using the back of a fork go around the edge and push the top dough into the bottom sealing in the peaches. 
Cut a few slits into the top to allow the air to vent out, place the pie on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 425 F. Then reduce the temperature to 375 F, rotate the pie and bake another 20-30 minutes until the crust is golden brown and the peaches are bubbling. Cool completely and serve either room temperature or warm with vanilla ice cream. Be sure to store it in the fridge.


  1. Looks delish! I love love love peach pie. I've never heard of putting tapioca in it. Is it for thickening the juices? I usually use corn starch or flour for thickening. I'm curious if it changes the flavor any? I made a peach pie recently I found on Pinterest that had a layer of sweetened cream cheese on the bottom. I could have eaten that whole thing all by myself it was so good, lol.

    1. Stephanie - Yes the Tapioca soaks up some of the juices but it doesn't change the taste at all! Try it next time you make a fruit pie :)

  2. Peaches are almost ready here in Oregon and I am dying to have a slice of peach pie!! Looks amazing!

  3. The pie looks delicious! I am going to have to make it soon. My husband's step father loves Peach Pie.

  4. Your pie is so classic. I wish I could have a big piece with some ice cream right now.

  5. Wow! This looks deee-licious! We’d love to have you share the recipe at our Saturday Link Party! Deb @

  6. Your recipe is wonderful, and thank you so much for sharing it with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are staying cool on this hot summers day, enjoy your weekend!
    Miz Helen

  7. Ooh, I do love peach pie! Thanks for linking up with What's Cookin' Wednesday!

  8. Perfect peach pie I'd say! Looks wonderful...I so love fresh peach pie, but haven't made one in a very long time. That's about to change. Thanks so much for sharing at Weekend Potluck. Pinning!

  9. Dear Nicole, Your blog is so pretty! I just came over from Tasteful Tuesdays (I'm a little behind this week with commenting!). Your pie looks like perfection. Save me a slice. Now following you, blessings, Catherine xo

  10. Your Peach Pie looks amazing... I love peach pie and haven't made if for a long time. I know have a craving for it. Thanks for sharing on Foodie friends Friday and I hope that you will join us again next week.

  11. This sounds so delish! Found on Foodie Friends Friday :)

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