
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Candy Corn Sugar Cookies

Halloween is so much fun and even now as an adult I still love getting dressed up in my costume for a party or answering the door to give out candy to the neighborhood trick or treating children. We tried to have a Halloween party last year but there was a freak blizzard on the day it was planned and no one showed up. We are not letting mother nature ruin our fun so we are trying again this weekend. I've seen these candy corn cookies in magazines and on a lot of other blogs so I wanted to give you step by step instructions on how to make them. Give them a try this weekend with your kids, I'm sure you'll have a great time making them together.

Prepared Sugar Cookie Dough
Food Coloring Gel or Paste (White, Orange & Yellow)
1 Egg White
Clear Sprinkles
Start off my making a batch of your favorite sugar cookie dough. I used our Cream Cheese Cut Out Cookie Dough. Section it into 3 even portions. Our dough is pretty sticky when it is first made so wrap the portions in plastic wrap or wax paper and place them in the fridge to harden for about an hour.
Put each portion of dough in a separate bowl and add the food coloring gel or paste instead of your traditional liquid food coloring. Mix in the food coloring, making sure it is evenly distributed and all of the dough has soaked up the color. I'll have to warn you this is going to take a few minutes and be quite a work out for your hand and arm, I actually had to take a break haha. You should be able to find food coloring gel or paste at your local craft store or a cake and candy store like the one I went called Sweet n Fancy in Cranford.
Once you have all of your dough completely dyed you can begin forming the dough loaf which you will then slice to make the cookies. Take out a bread pan and line it with plastic wrap. Starting with white on the bottom form the dough to fit the pan. Flatten it out and you push it into the corners and down the sides of the pan. If you want to keep the white section of the candy corn the original color of the cookie dough that is fine as well.
 Next, it is time to add the orange portion of dough doing the same thing, really work it into the pan so it fits right on top of the white dough. Lastly you are going to add the yellow dough fitting it into the pan the same way so they are all layered on top of each other filling up the entire bread pan. Because our dough softens as you worth with it, like I'm sure most sugar cookie dough does, place the dough in the freezer for about 5 hours.
 Once the dough is pretty hard and partially frozen it will slice nicely. Take out a cutting board and your sharpest knife. Slice the dough about a 1/4 of an inch not pushing down too hard, I used a sawing motion and that seemed to work nicely.
Now it is time to preheat your oven. If you've used our Cream Cheese Cut Out Cookie Dough they will bake at 375. Each slice of the loaf will make 4 candy corn cookies so their size will depend on the thickness of your slice and the deepness of your loaf. Cut the slice of dough on an angle to make alternating triangles and place them on a cookie sheet. Brush the cookies with egg whites and sprinkle them with clear sprinkles to give them a little decoration. Bake until the bottoms are golden brown about 8-10 minutes. I didn't do any frosting because in my opinion these cookies are sweet enough with out it but you can obviously decorate these candy corn cookies how ever you want.
Enjoy!! - Nicole,


  1. Your Candy Corn Cookies are just adorable! Have a fabulous weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  2. How fun! What a great treat to take to a Halloween party! Thanks for sharing at Foodie Friends Friday!

  3. These are so so so cute! LOVE!

    Found you at Foodie Friends Friday!

  4. Found your post via Six Sisters Stuff. These are so cool! Definitely have to share with my sister. :)

  5. Super cute fun cookies for Halloween. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday. Can’t wait to see what you share this week! Have a wonderful week.

  6. These are such cute cookies and they look delicious too! We are so happy that you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" Hope to see you back soon! -The Six Sisters

  7. Thanks for linking to Saturday Dishes. Cute cookies.

    Wishes for tasty dishes,
    Linda @ Tumbleweed Contessa

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